'The world is a big, big place'
Michael Lawler says a semester spent at sea, when he was a student at USC nearly 40 years ago, opened his eyes to adventure.
That's when the notion of sailing his own boat around the world took root in his mind.
But you know how it is: The young have grand ideas, but no money. The mature have money, but no time and, often, outgrow their big ideas.
Sometimes a dream deferred is nothing but an irritant, best ignored.
But, once in a long while, it creates a pearl.
Lawler deferred his dream through law school, marriage and three children. He'd imagine routes he might take, the ship he might buy.
Eventually, his law career was established, the kids grown, the marriage ended. In 2005, he met fellow sailor and future girlfriend Barbara Burdick, and the timing was suddenly right.
In July of 2007 they sailed the Traveler from Newport Harbor, starting in the Transpacific Yacht Race to Hawaii. Click here to read on!!!