The 2015 Charleston Race Week has started with rain, light breeze and Folojito Y Cooperando making an early statement by jumping out to a 5 point lead. Flojito is using the 2015 Ullman mainsail and are showing great speed as they have been consistently in the top every race. Catapult and Pied Piper also using Ullman mainsails are in 3rd and 4th respectively.
On board USA 312 we are sitting in in the first third of the fleet and after experiencing an OCS in the first race we recovered to improve throughout the day. The light breeze and strong current made for some interesting sailing. The current lines were important to note and the rock pile in the middle of the course offered a bit of relief. That combined with the island allowed for some tactical maneuvering. This video gives a little understand to what we are talking about.

We are looking forward to dryer weather and hopefully some breeze. The stormy Charleston is giving this regatta a bit of trouble but as always it is a good time