January 5, 2011

Cal 20's in the Pacific North West!

Tacoma Yacht Club Community Outreach
Tue, 7th Dec 2010
By Jon Thompson
Cal 20s in the PNW:

The Tacoma yacht Club is putting together a community sailing project and starting up the Cal 20 fleet. Here is a message from the new Fleet Captain.
Announcing the formation the new Tacoma Cal 20 fleet 8, based out of Tacoma Yacht Club. With active fleets in Portland OR, Victoria BC, Vancouver BC., Southern and Northern California. The Tacoma fleet 8 will be a great addition to the class.

The Cal 20 was designed by William Lapworth in 1960 and went into production in 1961. It quickly became the most popular of the Cal fiberglass sailboats, 1945 boats were built. Cal 20's were (and still are) inexpensive to buy, own and maintain. The average price of a good Cal 20 is between $1500 to $3500 usually including a trailer. Today the Cal 20 enjoys popularity throughout North America and Canada as a competitive and fun one design racer as well as a stable and forgiving day sailor. The beauty of the Cal 20 is its simplicity, stability and comfort. It can be raced with just two people in lighter air and three people in moderate to heavier winds. The affordability and simplicity of the boat makes for a fun boat to day sail with the family or race with your family and friends, the Cal 20 is easy to trailer and can be towed by most small SUV’s and minivans.
I have been racing around this area most of my life and have watched a steady decline in our sport. When I talk to some sailors that don’t race much anymore the common remarks I hear are “it cost too much” or “it’s too hard to find and keep crew.” With the low cost of a Cal 20 and the need for only two or three people to sail I think this boat will be the answer to get people back on the race course or just out sailing.
Fleet 8 is looking for anyone that is interested in sailing this great little boat. We are putting together plans for future sailing and racing events. For information about joining our fleet, or help finding a Cal 20, call Fleet Captain Jon Thompson at (253) 732 0911 or email at jthomp055@yahoo.com. Yacht Club membership is NOT required to become a member of Fleet 8.
Join us for our first race of the “Hot Buttered Rum Series.” The format will be short course buoy racing. We will be holding it in conjunction with the TYC “Gov Teats” race February 27th in Quartermaster Harbor. The following two races in the series will be on March 27th and April 24th . All one design and PHRF classes our welcome. To register for the Hot Rum Series go to Tacoma Yacht Club or contact Jon Thompson at (253)732-0911or Burr Hope at (253) 761-1276.

Cal 20 Fleet 8, Fleet Captain Jon Thompson