April 6, 2011

2011 Baldwin Cup

Newport harbor Yacht Club is welcoming nine teams and 72 sailors from across the country (and some from across the pond),Newport Harbor Yacht Club is looking forward to hosting the fourth annual Baldwin Cup Team Race. By the end of the week the club will be kicking off the international regatta with several returning teams along with some new faces. This year the selection process was tough and the teams coming are more than ready to bring their game faces to the event.
One such team is Larchmont Yacht Club hailing from New York. The team hopes to make a splash this year with the main motivation being returning to Baldwin Cup next year. “The event has become so competitive,” skipper Danny Pletsch said half jokingly, “that we have to win again this year just to ensure that we’ll be the sailors that Larchmont sends to Baldwin Cup next year.”
In the history of Baldwin Cup, the Larchmont team is sending it’s nationally competitive team racers out to the event. However they are up against stiff competition as there are several more teams traveling to Newport Beach with the same inspiration to make the list for next year. Many of the sailors traveling to the event might also be motivated to soak in the California sunshine, enjoy the NHYC atmosphere with friends, but are definitely looking forward to some high-action races. Whatever the reasons may be, all of these common factors are reasons to want to return to Baldwin Cup year after year.