March 1, 2011

Mehmet Ali Yelkenbicer has joined the group as Ullman Sails Turkey!

We are excited to announce that Mehmet Ali Yelkenbicer has joined the group as Ullman Sails Turkey!

M.Ali’s sailmaking business – Yelkenbicer Sailmakers – is a full service production loft in Izmir where he builds one design, dinghy and all types of cruising sails.  His primary market is in Izmir and Istanbul, and he has an extensive dealer network throughout Turkey.  The Yelkenbicer family has a long tradition of sailmaking in Turkey (“Yelkenbicer” means sailmaker) starting with M.Ali’s great-grandfather over 100 years ago.  M.Ali formally took partnership of the loft with his father in 1994.  I have attached a very interesting history of the Yelkenbicer family and their involvement in both sailmaking and sailboat racing in Turkey.

M.Ali joined the Ullman Sails group in early February, but has been working tirelessly to expand and upgrade his loft for a start date of March 1.  His original loft space is 300 sqm with a 60 sqm balcony for the office.  He has also acquired a new space next door, which will serve as a workshop.  He recently combined the two spaces by building a wide door between the two lofts.  The new loft space has a 200 sqm working area, a 60 sqm balcony and 100 sqm parking lot. M. Ali would like to use this new area for plotting sails and sail repairs.  Recent pictures of his loft are attached.

You can reach M.Ali through the contact details below:

Ullman Sails Turkey
M.Ali Yelkenbicer
Skype:  yelkenbicersails
Phone:  +90 (232) 2576341

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